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About Us

Based in Darlington, County Durham.


The business is owned & run by myself. I have been a modeller for over 40 years and have been active at competitions across the UK and abroad for many years. I have had many articles published in Military Modelling Magazine in the UK as well as in Figurines magazine in France. Long term member of Darlington Military Modelling Society & also a member of the Leeds based White Rose Club, I am also one of the organisers of the annual Sword & Lance Show in Darlington each April.


Given my background in the hobby, you can order from me with confidence.


As a relatively new business, the website is never the finished article, it's like the proverbial Forth Road Bridge - there always something that needs doing...


Having said that, the service is tried & tested - please try us and see! If there's something you don't see - please ask, I may have it or I may be able to get it for you.


Thank you.  


Steve Kirtley



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